Sorry I was behind this week. I actually had everything read but my Sunday ended up being busier than expected. I was done with this section of reading on Wednesday because I could not put it down. We have finally reached the climax — 900 pages in — and it was everything I hoped it would be. I feel a bit like Sam with his double vision as I was reading the scene with Frodo, Sam, and Gollum in Mount Doom - the movie was superimposed over the writing and I was visualizing both simultaneously. My favorite part, though, was the Faramir/Eowyn storyline. It is so tiny but it really stood out to me. Eowyn's feelings for Aragorn are wrapped up in hero worship, idealization, and stubbornness. He is able to heal wounds of the body but it is Faramir who heals the wounds on her soul. I think that there is a lot to be said here about modern perceptions of love but I will refrain. I merely wanted to point them out to you so you could mull it over for yourself :)
1. Sam's time of testing has finally come. What does the Ring show him? How is it different from what others were shown?
2. What do you make of Sam's double vision? What is he seeing superimposed over mortal vision?
3. After the Company is reunited in Minas Tirith there is a feast at which a minstrel tells the tale of the Ring and Frodo. Tolkien writes, "And he sang to them, now in the Elven-tongue, now in the speech of the West, until their hearts, wounded with sweet words, overflowed, and their joy was like swords, and they passed in thought out to regions where pain and delight flow together and tears are the very wine of blessedness". What does he mean by this? What connection between pain and delight, sorrow and joy is he making?
4. Why was Eowyn so insistent on being a shield maiden?
WE ARE ON THE LAST WEEK. Only 5 more chapters and we are done. Time has flown. The world has changed. Savor these last moments with these unforgettable characters who live in the world we all wished we lived in. Have a great (rest) of the week :)