I am a big fan of the husband and wife team behind
Ilona Andrews. I have read and re-read the
Kate Daniels series and
The Edge series multiple times in the two years since I have come across them. Their books are
always humorous, well-written, and character-driven. They come up with the quirkiest ideas and, somehow, they work. One of the quirkiest, in my opinion, is the Innkeeper Chronicles. Each of the books (only two so far) starts life as a serial on their blog. This means we get to read it for free, one chapter at a time, while they are writing it. It is a really cool process. I came across
Clean Sweep, the first in the series, when it was almost done so I missed out on most of it but was able to follow the second book,
Sweep in Peace, from the beginning. And I am
so glad I did! It was a fascinating to get the story piece by piece as it is written. It has given me an even deeper appreciation for the craft of writing long, sustained narratives. With that being said, I want to introduce you to the two books that currently make up the Innkeeper Chronicles — did I mention that they are
very reasonably priced? Even more reason to love them!
The Vitals
Clean Sweep by Ilona Andrews
Release Date: 2 December 2013
Page Count: 235
Genre: Fantasy
Target Audience: Adult
Series: Innkeeper Chronicles #1
Format: Purchased; Kindle e-book
Goodreads |
Summary (From Goodreads)
On the outside, Dina Demille is the epitome of normal. She runs a quaint Victorian Bed and Breakfast in a small Texas town, owns a Shih Tzu named Beast, and is a perfect neighbor, whose biggest problem should be what to serve her guests for breakfast. But Dina is...different: Her broom is a deadly weapon; her Inn is magic and thinks for itself. Meant to be a lodging for otherworldly visitors, the only permanent guest is a retired Galactic aristocrat who can’t leave the grounds because she’s responsible for the deaths of millions and someone might shoot her on sight. Under the circumstances, "normal" is a bit of a stretch for Dina.
And now, something with wicked claws and deepwater teeth has begun to hunt at night....Feeling responsible for her neighbors, Dina decides to get involved. Before long, she has to juggle dealing with the annoyingly attractive, ex-military, new neighbor, Sean Evans—an alpha-strain werewolf—and the equally arresting cosmic vampire soldier, Arland, while trying to keep her inn and its guests safe. But the enemy she’s facing is unlike anything she’s ever encountered before. It’s smart, vicious, and lethal, and putting herself between this creature and her neighbors might just cost her everything.
Notes on Clean Sweep
This book is unlike any I have read. The premise — an innkeeper who is trying to revive an intergalactic inn — is unique and provides a wonderful, elastic backdrop for all sorts of adventures and misadventures (which, arguably, are more fun than adventures, anyway). The main character, Dina, is one of my favorite characters in fantasy literature. She is so normal, and I mean that in the best possible way. She is someone you would want to hang out with. Everything about her is so real; she does not make stupid decisions that have you rolling your eyes in disbelief. Can I just tell you how freakin' refreshing that is?! She is practical, she is slightly snarky, and she is steadfast. She balances out the otherworldliness of the other characters perfectly. I cannot recommend this book enough. It is well worth the few hours and few dollars (literally - it is $1.99 on kindle!!!!).
Memorable Quotes
“Being an innkeeper meant walking a fine line between courtesy and tyranny.”
“Where is Arland?"
"Rapunzel decided to walk around in the woods to get 'the feel of the battleground.' He won't leave the grounds and he promises to defend the inn with 'all the strength in his body.' I told him if he gets in trouble, he should try singing prettily so his woodland friends will come to the rescue. I don't think he got it.”
Sweep in Peace by Ilona Andrews
Release Date: 13 November 2015
Page Count: 237
Genre: Fantasy
Target Audience: Adult
Series: Innkeeper Chronicles #2
Format: Purchased; Kindle e-book
Summary (From Goodreads)
Dina DeMille doesn’t run your typical Bed and Breakfast. Her inn defies laws of physics, her fluffy dog is secretly a monster, and the only paying guest is a former Galactic tyrant with a price on her head. But the inn needs guests to thrive, and guests have been scarce, so when an Arbitrator shows up at Dina's door and asks her to host a peace summit between three warring species, she jumps on the chance.
Unfortunately, for Dina, keeping the peace between Space Vampires, the Hope-Crushing Horde, and the devious Merchants of Baha-char is much easier said than done. On top of keeping her guests from murdering each other, she must find a chef, remodel the inn...and risk everything, even her life, to save the man she might fall in love with. But then it's all in the day's work for an Innkeeper…
Notes on Sweep in Peace
I love this book even more than the first one. And, to be honest, that very rarely happens. Normally the second book is either on the same level or a bit lower than the first; that is not the case with this series at all. Dina has to host a peace-keeping (or, rather, seeking) summit at her inn that no one wants. Her inn desperately needs guests and this would be a major coup. Several friends from another series pop in, which was a wonderful crossover for longtime Andrews' fans. The plot is tight, complex, and engaging. You cannot simply skim through this book; it requires more brain cells than the first. There is so much at stake in the peace talks that it requires a more serious, more harsh (in a way) book than the first. Yes, this book is still humorous. It just has a more serious undertone than the first. Perhaps, too, with the events of last week in Beirut and Paris the necessity of peace has been driven home a bit within us all. The resolution is brilliant and compassionate. How I wish such a measure could be used in our world. Nothing breaks down walls like understanding one another's pain. Sorry to get all philosophical — back to the book! The best part of all of the Andrews' work is the complexity and believability of the characters and the plot of this book really allows that strength to shine. These characters are all true to form and are not caricatures, which I would imagine is easier said than done when it comes to writing them. For example, the vampires are not defined by their "vampirism"; there is more to the characters than simply trite stereotypes. They are driven by a multitude of emotions and motives, making them a million times more believable. These book has several main players and each one is carefully developed AND stays true to that development. I cannot wait to see what the Andrews have in store for Dina next!
Memorable Quotes
“My future chef was an oversized, hysterical hedgehog with a martyr complex.”
“No, I never expect people to be idiots,” George said. “I do expect them to lack some of the necessary information, because experience has demonstrated to me that assuming someone in a key position knows everything you do leads to disaster.”
“You are not meant to be at peace. We, the human beings, are meant to live life to its fullest. We are meant to experience it all—sadness, disappointment, rage, kindness, joy, love. We are meant to test ourselves. It is painful and frightening, but this is what it means to be alive.”