2. Braveheart <featuring Mel Gibson> This movie makes me wish I was Scottish so badly. The sacrifice, the uncompromising force of nature that is William Wallace, the humor- this is the total package as far as I am concerned.
3. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade <featuring Harrison Ford and Sean Connery> I love all of these movies (with the exception of The Crystal Skull) but this one is, hands down, the best. The only way it could be more perfect is if they had managed to work Short Round into the movie.
4. LOTR Trilogy <featuring lots of popular actors> This one does not need an explanation.
5. The Last of the Mohicans <featuring Daniel Day-Lewis> Movies set in the colonial period are normally not my favorite but the story of this movie is beautiful. When Major Heyward mistranslates Hawkeye's offer.... there are no words.
6. The Princess Bride <featuring Cary Elwes and Robin Wright> One of the all-time funniest and most quotable movies out there. Every time I watch it I catch some subtle joke or reference I had never noticed before.
7. 300 <featuring Gerard Butler> The special effects. The costumes. The storyline. The bad guy. This movie is as beautiful as it is defiantly sad.
8. Despicable Me <featuring Steve Carell and Jason Segel> I'm a huge fan of animated movies and this is one of the funniest. You cannot lose with Steve Carell as a lonely, quasi-Eastern European (?) super villain who adopts three little girls. Oh, and MINIONS.
9. The Goonies <featuring Sean Astin and Josh Brolin> Lesley Anne and I had the requisite group of friends to go on a treasure hunt but were, sadly, lacking the perfectly preserved pirate ship in which to find said treasure. This is another movie that I will always watch if it is on t.v. I hope Gladiator never comes on at the same time. I do not know what I would do.
10. King Arthur <featuring Clive Owen> The reason I love this movie is because it is about my area of interest- early medieval Britain. This one is more of a guilty pleasure. Most of my love is wrapped up in the time period and not the story, though I like it as well.