It's Thanksgiving day in the good 'ol US of A! Wishing all of our U.S. readers and fellow bloggers a very Happy Thanksgiving! We hope you get to spend some quality time with your loved ones and eat lots of yummy food. This year the husband and I are in charge of cooking the sausage stuffing and pecan pie - Kyle's grandmother's recipe! I'm nervous it won't be nearly as good as hers, but who am I kidding, of course it won't! We'll try to get really close, though. As for Black Friday shopping, we usually don't participate in the chaos, but I will definitely take advantage of some online sales in the comfort of my jammies snuggled up with a book or two right next to me. ;) Have a fabulous holiday weekend, and Jenny and I will be back on Monday!
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Review: Mistress of the Art of Death

Release Date: 6 February 2007
Pages: 398
Genre: Historical Fiction, Mystery-Thriller
Target Audience: Adult
Series: Mistress of the Art of Death #1
Source and Format: Purchased, Softcover
Summary (From Goodreads)
A chilling, mesmerizing novel that combines the best of modern forensic thrillers with the detail and drama of historical fiction.
In medieval Cambridge, England, four children have been murdered. The crimes are immediately blamed on the town's Jewish community, taken as evidence that Jews sacrifice Christian children in blasphemous ceremonies. To save them from the rioting mob, the king places the Cambridge Jews under his protection and hides them in a castle fortress. King Henry II is no friend of the Jews-or anyone, really-but he is invested in their fate. Without the taxes received from Jewish merchants, his treasuries would go bankrupt. Hoping scientific investigation will exonerate the Jews, Henry calls on his cousin the King of Sicily-whose subjects include the best medical experts in Europe-and asks for his finest "master of the art of death," an early version of the medical examiner. The Italian doctor chosen for the task is a young prodigy from the University of Salerno. But her name is Adelia-the king has been sent a mistress of the art of death.
Adelia and her companions-Simon, a Jew, and Mansur, a Moor-travel to England to unravel the mystery of the Cambridge murders, which turn out to be the work of a serial killer, most likely one who has been on Crusade with the king. In a backward and superstitious country like England, Adelia must conceal her true identity as a doctor in order to avoid accusations of witchcraft. Along the way, she is assisted by Sir Rowley Picot, one of the king's tax collectors, a man with a personal stake in the investigation. Rowley may be a needed friend, or the fiend for whom they are searching. As Adelia's investigation takes her into Cambridge's shadowy river paths and behind the closed doors of its churches and nunneries, the hunt intensifies and the killer prepares to strike again...
A chilling, mesmerizing novel that combines the best of modern forensic thrillers with the detail and drama of historical fiction.
In medieval Cambridge, England, four children have been murdered. The crimes are immediately blamed on the town's Jewish community, taken as evidence that Jews sacrifice Christian children in blasphemous ceremonies. To save them from the rioting mob, the king places the Cambridge Jews under his protection and hides them in a castle fortress. King Henry II is no friend of the Jews-or anyone, really-but he is invested in their fate. Without the taxes received from Jewish merchants, his treasuries would go bankrupt. Hoping scientific investigation will exonerate the Jews, Henry calls on his cousin the King of Sicily-whose subjects include the best medical experts in Europe-and asks for his finest "master of the art of death," an early version of the medical examiner. The Italian doctor chosen for the task is a young prodigy from the University of Salerno. But her name is Adelia-the king has been sent a mistress of the art of death.
Adelia and her companions-Simon, a Jew, and Mansur, a Moor-travel to England to unravel the mystery of the Cambridge murders, which turn out to be the work of a serial killer, most likely one who has been on Crusade with the king. In a backward and superstitious country like England, Adelia must conceal her true identity as a doctor in order to avoid accusations of witchcraft. Along the way, she is assisted by Sir Rowley Picot, one of the king's tax collectors, a man with a personal stake in the investigation. Rowley may be a needed friend, or the fiend for whom they are searching. As Adelia's investigation takes her into Cambridge's shadowy river paths and behind the closed doors of its churches and nunneries, the hunt intensifies and the killer prepares to strike again...
Thoughts on Mistress of the Art of Death
There are 4 books in this series and I am glad I didn't pick up
the first one until all were published. The wait would have been interminable.
There was a 5th book in the works but Ariana Franklin passed away before she
could finish it. Each of these books is wonderful, with the 3rd one, Grave Goods, being my favorite. I have to say it is unusual for me to like a
later book in a series more than the first. Grave Goods contains a
mystery surrounding King Arthur, however, so of course that is the best one in
my opinion.
I was meandering through Borders (yes, Borders. Remember
those?) one day and this book caught my eye. Actually, the title caught my eye.
How could you not pick up a book with a title like that? I read the synopsis on
the back, which sounded interesting but not like something I would want to buy.
Fast forward 4 years and I am in grad school studying to be a medievalist and
this book makes its way back into my life via 2nd & Charles (arguably the
best bookstore in America). Needless to say, I was hooked.
I really enjoyed Ariana Franklin's writing style. Her prose is
very easy to understand. She writes like her main character, Adelia, thinks-
practical and to the point. She is, however, very tongue in check at parts. Her
characters are unlike anyone else you have read. There is no danger of being
fed stereotypical cliches here. Who would think to put a female doctor, a
Muslim castrati, and a stuffy English lord together? It works beautifully.
Franklin also puts her own spin on known historical people, such as Henry II
and Eleanor of Aquitaine (in subsequent books).
Another thing I really liked about this book (and the series) is the picture you get of life in England in the late 1100's. Franklin does an excellent job of giving the reader an accurate description of life in the Middle Ages. She incorporates the historical political intrigues of the time into her narrative in such a way that you actually learn something while you are reading, without even realizing it.
Memorable Quote
“... Turn over that stone" - she pointed to a flint nearby - "and you will find a charlatan who will dazzle you with the favorable conjunction of Mercury and Venus, flatter your future, and sell you colored water for a gold piece. I can't be bothered with it. From me you get the actuality.”
“... Turn over that stone" - she pointed to a flint nearby - "and you will find a charlatan who will dazzle you with the favorable conjunction of Mercury and Venus, flatter your future, and sell you colored water for a gold piece. I can't be bothered with it. From me you get the actuality.”
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Top Ten Things We Are Thankful For
Welcome to our first Top Ten Tuesday post! For those who aren't familiar, Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by the ladies over at The Broke and The Bookish, and every week they post a new Top Ten topic, usually related to bookish things.
Since there are two of us running this blog, our approach to Top Ten Tuesday will be a little different every week. Sometimes Jenny and I will both list ten things, sometimes we'll split it 50/50, and sometimes Jenny will write the entire post by herself or vice versa. For this week's topic, Top Ten Things We Are Thankful For, we decided to go half and half. Take it away, Jenny!
Top 5 Things Jenny Is Thankful For:
2. The ability to travel. To say I appreciate other cultures is a bit of an understatement. I thrive on new experiences, new places, and new cultures. I love foreign books because you get a glimpse into the mindset of that country.
3. My family. They drive me crazy at times, but I would not trade them for anything (most days). We are close knit yet always willing to include more. No one makes me laugh the way they do. They are always there, no matter what.
4. The opportunity to study literature at the graduate level. To say I am a nerd is a bit of an understatement. I censor my words as it is so I can still have friends. My fellow students, however, speak my language fluently. It is invigorating to be surrounded by people who love literature (or whatever) at the same level.
5. Jesus. I would be a much different person in a very different place if it were not for my relationship with him. He has been my rock and has been proved faithful. He loves me and my little faith.
Top 5 Things Lesley Anne Is Thankful For:
1. My husband. I know it may be cliche, but I really am so thankful for him! I can't brag enough on how hard he has worked to provide for our family this year. He finished up his final clinical rotation for PT school in April, earned his Doctorate in Physical Therapy in May, studied for the Board exam for 6 weeks over the summer, successfully passed in July, and now is working as a full-time PT at an outpatient clinic in metro Atlanta. Oh, and in the midst of all that, he built and refinished several pieces of furniture for our new house. Husband of the year award definitely goes to him!
2. My family. Since we moved this summer back to the town where I grew up, I now live only 5 minutes away from my parents and about 2 minutes away from my sister and her husband. I am so thankful for the quality time we get to spend together now! I love my family and love that we live so close. And also thankful we all recognize each other's boundaries and know when to give each other space! ;)
2. My family. Since we moved this summer back to the town where I grew up, I now live only 5 minutes away from my parents and about 2 minutes away from my sister and her husband. I am so thankful for the quality time we get to spend together now! I love my family and love that we live so close. And also thankful we all recognize each other's boundaries and know when to give each other space! ;)
3. Our first home. Sometimes I still can't believe Kyle and I own our own home. We bought our first house back in June of this year, and we are still in love! After moving from rental to rental ever since I left for college back in 2006, I am so thankful to finally have a place to call my own, a place where we can settle down and really get to know the people in the area around us.
4. A growing photography business. This year I've seen my love for taking pictures start to really blossom into a business! I've done engagement, maternity, newborn, first birthday, and family Christmas card photos for so many amazing clients this year. I'm so thankful for all this experience, and can't wait to see what 2014 holds!
5. Audiobooks. I had to include one bookish thing. :) I seriously don't know how I would make it through my one-hour commute to and from Atlanta everyday without audiobooks. They keep me sane!
Monday, November 25, 2013
Get To Know Us From A to Z
Hello, and thanks for stopping by our first post! We are Lesley Anne and Jenny, BFFs, who also happen to have a slightly pathological obsession with reading. We are so excited to have a space where we can share our love of all things bookish together, and we can't wait to get to know all of YOU!
We thought a fun way to introduce ourselves would be to fill out Jamie's A to Z Survey that she posted earlier this year. If you are game for a post of the long variety, grab your favorite warm beverage (in our case, tea!), settle in, and let's talk books! (P.S. You'll have to excuse the mess, as our blog is still under construction. Hopefully things will look a little more coherent around here soon!). Without further ado...
Author You've Read the Most Books From:
Jenny: Carolyn Keene. I devoured my mom's Nancy Drew books when I was younger. I read all 65 at least twice (I think it is safe to say reading has been a lifelong obsession). In case that doesn't count because Carolyn Keene is a pseudonym used by many authors, Francine Rivers and C.S. Lewis are the next in line.
Lesley Anne: For me it would be Robin Jones Gunn. According to Goodreads, I’ve read 23 of her books! I was so obsessed with her Christy Miller series in middle school, and really enjoyed reading the Glenbrooke series later in high school. Melody Carlson and Francine Rivers tie for second at 8 books each.
Jenny: I know it's a cop-out, but Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. It is every bit as good as the first one.
Best Sequel Ever:
Jenny: I know it's a cop-out, but Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. It is every bit as good as the first one.
Lesley Anne: If Chamber of Secrets doesn't count, then this one definitely doesn't! But whatever, I'm feeling rebellious. I’m going to say Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. This was my favorite book of the series, and definitely my favorite of the movies.
Jenny: A Thousand Plateaus by Giles Deleuze + Felix Guatarri, The Romance of the Rose by Guillaume de Lorris + Jean de Meun, and Much Ado About Nothing by William Shakespeare (It's the end of the semester, so not a lot of fun reading at the moment!).
Lesley Anne: I'm so ADD right now in what I’m reading. I’m listening to The White Queen on audiobook, reading Allegiant on my Nook, and reading the print version of Game of Thrones. Normally I don’t juggle three books at a time, but I haven’t felt a strong connection to any of these, thus my lack of focus.
Currently Reading:
Lesley Anne: I'm so ADD right now in what I’m reading. I’m listening to The White Queen on audiobook, reading Allegiant on my Nook, and reading the print version of Game of Thrones. Normally I don’t juggle three books at a time, but I haven’t felt a strong connection to any of these, thus my lack of focus.
Jenny: Hot tea. Preferably chai, but I am not too picky.
Lesley Anne: It's like Jenny and I are best friends or something. Chai tea, forever and always.
Lesley Anne: It's like Jenny and I are best friends or something. Chai tea, forever and always.
E-reader or Physical Book:
Jenny: Generally, I do not care. If it is a book for class, I prefer a physical copy so I can write in it.
Lesley Anne: Both! There are pros and cons to each, but obviously physical books will forever be my first love. Nothing can beat that bookish smell and the feeling of turning a page.
Fictional Character You Probably Would Have Actually Dated In High School:
This one is really difficult. I think I would probably have dated Benedick from Much Ado About Nothing. I really, really love witty, snarky repartee and it doesn't get any better than Beatrice and Benedick.
Lesley Anne: Not that I dated anybody with silver hair who also happened to be addicted to a debilitating drug (yuck!), but it would probably be Jem from the Infernal Devices series by Cassandra Clare. Jem is an all around nice guy who is also (somewhat) athletic, musical, and sentimental. Perfectly describes those poor fellas I dated in high school!
Glad You Gave This Book a Chance:
The Emperor's Edge series by Lindsay Buroker. The first one was free on Amazon and I have since read pretty much everything she has written.
Lesley Anne: The Book Thief by Markus Zuzak. There is so much pressure to love this book, and I was afraid to start reading it and just not get it. And there was a point where I was seriously ready to walk away. Then I stuck it out and the last 50 or so pages just blew my mind. Such a beautiful, beautiful book.
Hidden Gem Book:
Jenny: The Devil's Cub by Georgette Heyer. I found it at a flea market in Murphy, NC earlier this year. This is a Regency romance in which the hero.... antihero? is a pompous, spoiled brat and the heroine is sensible and stubborn. She might or might not have to shoot him early on in their acquaintance...
Lesley Anne: Kisses From Katie by Katie Davis. I know this is a pretty popular book in the Christian nonfiction world, but I think it deserves more attention outside of that! Katie's story is one that will forever change your life after reading it, no matter your religious preference. I read it on the beach this summer and was so thankful I had my sunglasses on while reading - it had me sobbing!
Important Moment In Your Reading Life
Jenny: Coming across comparative literature classes as an undergrad. I was introduced to all sorts of works I would not otherwise have read. They also taught me to appreciate all types of literature, even if I do not like a work personally.
Lesley Anne: Discovering book blogs! After experiencing a major reading slump throughout college and a little bit afterward, discovering book blogs really breathed life back into the experience of reading for me. They made me fall in love with books all over again! (Special shout out to Hannah at So Obsessed all started with hers!). I’ve read more books this year than I have in a long time, and I am so glad to be a part of this community now.
Just Finished:
Jenny: Allegiant by Veronica Roth, Mysteries of the Middle Ages by Thomas Cahill, and Yvain by Chretien de Troyes.
Lesley Anne: Destroy Me by Tahereh Mafi. It’s probably a dangerous thing to polarize myself by picking a side in this oh-so-controversial love triangle, but I really enjoyed this novella from Warner’s point of view. It left me wanting to read more from his perspective! I seriously cannot wait for Ignite Me to be here. I need that thing. NOW.
Kinds Of Books You Won't Read
Jenny: Erotica- I'm a "less is more" kind of gal. I also loathe the "big misunderstanding" trope. It makes me mad every time. Why can't people just communicate?!
Lesley Anne: I have pretty eclectic taste when it comes to books. For the most part, I’m happy with reading anything, but I tend to stay away from the adult romance/erotica genre as well as anything that’s heavy science fiction.
Longest Book You've Ever Read:
Jenny: Les Miserables by Victor Hugo, with Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes. I loved both of these, but it will definitely be a couple years before I re-read them.
Lesley Anne: According to Goodreads, that would be Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix at 870 pages. Funny that I disliked this one the most!
Major Book Hangover Because Of:
Lesley Anne: Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare. I was at a complete loss on what to read next after finishing.
Number Of Bookcases You Own:
Jenny: 3 + a shelving unit that my books have slowly overtaken.
Lesley Anne: It used to be three, but now we just have one big Expedit case from IKEA, though my collection is threatening to outgrow it.
One Book You Have Read Multiple Times:
Lesley Anne: I re-read the Harry Potter series earlier this year by listening to the audiobooks narrated by Jim Dale. It was AMAZING. I think listening to those audiobooks will be a yearly thing now.
Jenny: Anywhere I can curl up with a blanket. My absolute favorite place to read is by a pool or at the beach, but that is not a common occurrence.
Lesley Anne: On the couch wearing some comfy PJs and snuggled up with a blanket! I also echo Jenny in that my favorite favorite place to read is the beach, but seeing as we live in northeast Georgia, that doesn’t happen very often.
Jenny: The Twilight series. I got caught up in the hype and read all four. When I went back to re-read them, I realized how much time I had wasted.
Lesley Anne: I totally agree with Jenny on this one. Even though it was my gateway drug into the world of YA, sometimes I really wish I could unread the Twilight series.
Jenny: The Patrick Bowers series by Steven James. They are mystery-suspense-psychological thrillers that are dense and wonderful. I am currently four books in and have #5 on my Christmas Vacation reading list.
Lesley Anne: I read the first two Vampire Academy books this summer, but was feeling kind of meh about finishing the rest of the series. I still feel that way, but maybe I’ll get the itch again?
The Once and Future King (obviously), The Last Sin Eater by Francine Rivers, and Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card.
Lesley Anne: Persuasion by Jane Austen, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince by J.K. Rowling, and The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien.
Jenny: The Percy Jackson series. I love Greek and Roman mythology and the creative genius of Rick Riordan. His next project is Norse mythology, which is one of my academic interests. I am more than a little excited about this combination.
Lesley Anne: As you could probably guess from my previous answer, I seriously love me some Lord of the Rings, y’all. LOVE. IT. And the fun thing is, my husband is a fan right along with me. We have a LOTR marathon every Christmas (watching the extended versions, obviously) and you can only imagine my excitement that we get to add all the Hobbit movies to that tradition now (even though they aren't nearly as good).
Jenny: I accidentally answered this in the previous section- Rick Riordan's Norse mythology series!
Lesley Anne: IGNITE ME. Oh my stars. I don’t even know how I’m going to handle this conclusion!
Jenny: Losing track of time while reading. I get caught up in a different world and forget the one I am actually inhabiting.
Lesley Anne: After I finish a book I really love, I seriously CANNOT commit to my next book. I’ll start and stop reading several books before I finally settle down on one, and this is now starting to happen after I read any book in general. Starting to take the book hangover to a whole new level!
Jenny: The Golden Cross by Angela Elwell Hunt.
Lesley Anne: American Assassin by Vince Flynn. This one belongs to my husband, and he was really sad to hear about Flynn's passing earlier this year. I need to find him another political thriller author to love!
Jenny: Fledgling by Octavia Butler. I will be teaching it next semester and it is a book that explores what it means to be human using vampires. How could it possibly be uninteresting?
Lesley Anne: I recently bought the paperback of Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo and a hardcover of The Bone Season by Samantha Shannon. Can't wait to start either of these!
Most recently it was the third book- The Beggar King- in the Hangman's Daughter series by Oliver Pötzsch. The last 100 pages were impossible to put down, though I must admit it was my least favorite in the series.
Lesley Anne: I know I already used this book in a previous answer, but it would have to be The Book Thief by Markus Zuzak. Like I said, I had a love/hate relationship with this one at first, but by the end, I couldn’t put it down and Zuzak completely won my heart.
Thanks for sticking with us through this doozie of a first post! We will be back tomorrow for our first Top Ten Tuesday!
Preferred Place to Read:
Jenny: Anywhere I can curl up with a blanket. My absolute favorite place to read is by a pool or at the beach, but that is not a common occurrence.
Lesley Anne: On the couch wearing some comfy PJs and snuggled up with a blanket! I also echo Jenny in that my favorite favorite place to read is the beach, but seeing as we live in northeast Georgia, that doesn’t happen very often.
Quote That Inspires You From A Book You've Read:
This one is really tough! I am forever underlining and writing in books. This is one of my faves from The Once and Future King: “They made me see that the world was beautiful if you were beautiful, and that you couldn't get unless you gave. And you had to give without wanting to get.”
Lesley Anne: I feel like I underlined every word of Kisses From Katie. But this one stood out from the rest: "People who really want to make a difference in the world usually do it, in one way or another. And I’ve noticed something about people who make a difference in the world: They hold the unshakable conviction that individuals are extremely important, that every life matters. They get excited over one smile. They are willing to feed one stomach, educate one mind, and treat one wound. They aren’t determined to revolutionize the world all at once; they’re satisfied with small changes. Over time, though, the small changes add up. Sometimes they even transform cities and nations, and yes, the world."
Reading Regret:
Lesley Anne: I totally agree with Jenny on this one. Even though it was my gateway drug into the world of YA, sometimes I really wish I could unread the Twilight series.
Series You Started & Need To Finish:
Lesley Anne: I read the first two Vampire Academy books this summer, but was feeling kind of meh about finishing the rest of the series. I still feel that way, but maybe I’ll get the itch again?
Three Of Your All-Time Favorite Books:
Lesley Anne: Persuasion by Jane Austen, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince by J.K. Rowling, and The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien.
Unapologetic Fangirl For:
Lesley Anne: As you could probably guess from my previous answer, I seriously love me some Lord of the Rings, y’all. LOVE. IT. And the fun thing is, my husband is a fan right along with me. We have a LOTR marathon every Christmas (watching the extended versions, obviously) and you can only imagine my excitement that we get to add all the Hobbit movies to that tradition now (even though they aren't nearly as good).
Very Excited For This Release More Than All The Others:
Lesley Anne: IGNITE ME. Oh my stars. I don’t even know how I’m going to handle this conclusion!
Worst Bookish Habit:
Jenny: Losing track of time while reading. I get caught up in a different world and forget the one I am actually inhabiting.
Lesley Anne: After I finish a book I really love, I seriously CANNOT commit to my next book. I’ll start and stop reading several books before I finally settle down on one, and this is now starting to happen after I read any book in general. Starting to take the book hangover to a whole new level!
X Marks The Spot:
Lesley Anne: American Assassin by Vince Flynn. This one belongs to my husband, and he was really sad to hear about Flynn's passing earlier this year. I need to find him another political thriller author to love!
Your Latest Book Purchase:
Lesley Anne: I recently bought the paperback of Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo and a hardcover of The Bone Season by Samantha Shannon. Can't wait to start either of these!
ZZZ-Snatcher Book (Kept You Up Late):
Lesley Anne: I know I already used this book in a previous answer, but it would have to be The Book Thief by Markus Zuzak. Like I said, I had a love/hate relationship with this one at first, but by the end, I couldn’t put it down and Zuzak completely won my heart.
Thanks for sticking with us through this doozie of a first post! We will be back tomorrow for our first Top Ten Tuesday!